Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Formation and Effects of Acid Rain Essay Example

Formation and Effects of Acid Rain Essay Example Formation and Effects of Acid Rain Essay Formation and Effects of Acid Rain Essay Acid rain is rain that has had an oxide of an element dissolved in it. The most common one is Sulphur dioxide (SO2), which has the highest proportion of 70% of all acid rain. Acid rain is produced when fossil fuels are burnt and they release chemical energy emissions such as Sulphur dioxide, nitrogen oxide etc. These emissions stay in the atmosphere until they dissolve into the condensation of water (clouds). Prevailing winds take these clouds offshore (or a few miles away) and when it precipitates the rainwater that comes down is dilute sulphuric acid or dilute nitric acid. The PH Scale of substances. Substance PH Value Oven Spray cleaner 12.5 Alkali : Ammonia Solution 11 Kitchen Surface Cleaner 10 More Alkali Sea water 8.2 Distilled Water 7 Neutral Milk 6.8 Washing up Liquid 5.5 Normal Rain Water 5 More Acidic Acid Rain 4.5 Apple 3.2 Vinegar 1.1 Lemons 2.5 Lowest recorded Acid Rain 2.4 Dilute Nitric Acid 1 Acidic In general acid rain is quite weak, as the graph shows, its weaker then the strength of apples. Although the acid is quite weak there would be enough to change the acidic value of the soil and then, in turn, have catastrophic effects on the plants and wildlife surrounding it. The strongest acid would be highly corrosive it would be the same effect as pouring nitric acid on it. Here is a flow chart to show the effects of acid rain: Fossil fuels burnt with Sulphur and other content When burnt the emissions given off rise into the atmosphere They then become gaseous and dissolve in the rainwater The rain is now acidic and harmful Rain gets into rivers, which are then polluted, fish die. Soil loses magnesium and calcium to aluminum Trees roots and leaves are corrodes and die Some evaporates back into the clouds. Acid rain affects buildings, soil, wildlife, vegetation and humans health. The acid rain affects the vegetation because when the acids have dissolved into the clouds it stays there until it precipitates. When this happens the acid will be soaked up and absorbed into the soil. The vegetations supported by the soil (trees, plants etc) fine roots will get burnt/ dissolved by the acid. This means that the plant will not be able to get water; also any acid that has been absorbed up will continue to burn/dissolve from the inside out. Acid rain that has fallen directly onto the leaves will most probably dissolve them. Acid rain is such a problem because it causes devastation to wildlife, if a lake were to get more acidic then the wildlife can tolerate it will cause a chain reaction to all living things in the lake dying. If the algae died everything else will soon follow because the bottom layer of the food chain would have been killed off. Changes in UK emissions The greatest source of sulphur dioxide emissions in 1981 was from power stations. The greatest source of sulphur dioxide emissions in 1991 was from power stations. The greatest source of nitrogen oxides in 1981 was from other industry. The greatest source of nitrogen oxides in 1991 was from road transport. I think these are the greatest sources because the power stations are continuously pumping out tons of sulphur dioxides and nitrogen oxides. I think the amount of SO2 (sulphur dioxide) and Nox (nitrogen oxide) has decreased because more people are using electricity above gas. The emissions of SO2 and Nox have increased for road transport, not because cars have not got cleaner but due to the fact that there are many more cars in 1991 then there where in 1981 because more people commute to other places and its much more easier and convenient then walking. During the 1980s and the 1990s power stations were used to generate electricity. They used fossil fuels such as coal and oil to do this. Fossil fuels where created millions of years ago when dead plants and animals where put under a lot of pressure and where then chemically changed, hence the name fossil fuels. During this change they accumulated carbon and sulphur. For the energy in these fossil fuels to be gained they must be combusted (burnt) when this takes place the carbon and sulphur is released as a waste product. Because this was the main way to generate electricity a lot of power stations were used thus meaning many thousands of tons of fossil fuels were needed. Nitrogen oxides are generated mostly from cars and since many people had cars to commute a lot was produced. The UK is an Economically Developed Country (MEDc) and therefore has access to a wide range of technologies, which too, added to the formation of acid rain. Cars are used to get around by many people. Because of this we would emit a lot of nitrogen oxides. The amounts of nitrogen oxides and sulphur dioxides have generally been on a decrease with the exception of shipping and road transport. The decrease in most things is probably due to the more efficient energy sources, such as hydroelectric power, tidal power and nuclear power. This is because it has little initial cost and they release near to no waste energy (like carbon dioxide or sulphur dioxide etc). An increase of the emissions from transport and shipping is because, more people can afford to own cars and they use them more and transport across seas has increased because there are massive tankers and Ferries that take people across seas, also massive cargo ships transport goods across countries for trade. Domestic emissions have decreased because more people are using electric heaters rather then burning coal or gas for heat. Commercial and public services use more technological methods such as the Internet or email. More PowerStations are using renewable energy sources. Other transport methods are being taken over by electrical based ones, such as trams and trains. Acid rain is the creation of human activity I agree with this statement. It holds some truth about the creation of acid rain. If humans where not here there wouldnt be acid rain, rain water would always be slightly acid because of volcanoes etc but it would never reach a critical level for it to be a problem. Nature had emitted 1/3 of the total nitrogen and sulphur emissions in 1985; however humans emitted twice the amount. I think that humans will never be 100% environment friendly because its not in our nature. We need energy and the biggest source we obtain it from is fossil fuels, until these sources eventually run out we will never be environment friendly. Basically acid rain is the creation of human activity but in the past our ancestors would have produced near to nothing in terms of how much sulphur and nitrogen emissions they produced. People living in the Amazon rainforest do not produce any emissions. In a way acid rain didnt have to be the creation of human activity, it just is now. Acid Rain between Countries The graph that shows estimations of emissions and depositions of sulphur tells us what countries received the highest and lowest values for depositions and emissions. The four countries with the highest emissions are: Germany, United Kingdom, Poland and Italy. The countries with the lowest emissions are: Sweden, Austria/ Switzerland and Norway. The four countries with the highest deposition are: Germany, Poland, United Kingdom and France. The four countries with the lowest deposition are: Belgium, Netherlands, Denmark and Switzerland. The results show that the countries have a similar proportion of sulphur released in both emissions and depositions. The highest amounts of emissions and depositions were expected to be in the more urban areas and were. The urban areas have higher amounts because there are many more cars and factories which give out mass amounts of pollution, also there are more technologies in urban area which add to pollution. Rural areas have far less then these so in turn they produce a lot less sulphur. In the graph to show the percentage of sulphur received by other countries there is some more useful information telling us what countries receive the most and least amount of sulphur. Austria, Norway, Sweden and Switzerland receive the most sulphur from other countries, whereas the Czech Republic, Germany, Italy and the United Kingdom receive the smallest amounts. There is a distinct connection between the information here. The pollution that comes from the urban areas moves (the wind takes it over seas) to the rural areas. Global Problems of Acid Rain Is acid rain a global problem? Acid rain is defiantly a global problem. This is because the wind takes away the clouds that contain the acid and send them to another country/nation. This means that the country that produces the acid rain is causing damage to another country. Countries in Europe such as the UK and Germany produce vast amounts of sulphur; however, Norway and Austria produce very little but are affected by acid rain and have more of a problem of it then UK and Germany. Germany and the United Kingdom receive their prevailing winds from the Atlantic Ocean; these same winds go on to other Countries in Europe such as Norway. When sulphur is released into the atmosphere it doesnt dissolve into the precipitation straight away. It takes some time for it to dissolve, whilst this is happening the clouds that contain the sulphur are moving out of one country and into the next by this time the sulphur has dissolved and when it rains the water is acidic. This matter is very difficult so solve because the richer nations want to continue to stay wealthy by using cheaper, more reliable energy sources. Political leaders of countries want to stay in power but to do so they must remain in public favor. They cannot create an environmental tax to pay to clean other countries because the people wouldnt want to pay. This means they will not vote for the politician that wants to bring this idea in action. This is why it is a complex situation; the countries on the receiving end do not want to pay to clear up another countries mess and the countries creating the mess cant generate the money to clear up their own mess. LEDCs would also generate a lot of sulphur because they do not have access and cant afford to use more re-usable/natural energy resources. These LEDCs need their energy as well but the result of this would affect other countries. LEDCs such as Kenya, Africa and Asia cant afford to clean up the mess they have given to other countries and the countries on the receiving end believe that its not themselves who should clean it up, but the country that produced it. This is where debates happen on how they should be sorted. Areas that have a high concentration of emissions or depositions are Britain, USA, Scandinavia, Africa and Asia. If all these countries had a system that would clean out the emissions three would be a lot less and because these countries have them they would pass it on to other countries. Both less and more economically developed countries both use high amounts of fossil fuels. The difference is that an MEDC can afford to clean it out, but they do not because the cost would be high and the people with the authority do not wish to implement it due to the cost factor. If they do implement it they would probably lose their position and power. LEDCs cannot afford the change. If a country was to clean its own atmosphere it would need large sums of money to do so continuously. To fulfill these requirements the government would also therefore, have to raise necessary taxes throughout the country If LEDCs in the future were to develop into more industrial towns they would require much more energy, thus meaning more pollution would be created and then needed to be cleaned up. The MEDCs would react quite badly if this were to happen. The MEDCs themselves would try and stop this happening or force them to change to renewable sources for their energy. The MEDCs would have many problems trying to implement these ideas upon the growing LEDCs though. Looking at countries pasts we know that all cities have grown and will grow a lot more in the future. Cities such as London and New York will continue to grow and when this happens they will need more land area. More technologies will be introduced in the cities and a lot more energy will be used, with all this comes a greater source of pollution. If countries were to implement renewable sources of energy they would have many problems. If wind farms were to be used they would take up a lot of land. Most land in England is either being used up by cities/towns and for farmland. Also the roads and motorways take up a lot of space. So soon there will not be enough land for wind farms. Hydro-electric power is also another for of renewable energy that could be introduced into an MEDC. Hydro-electric power has its advantages. It can produce a lot of energy and protect certain areas from flooding (due to the dam that has to be built). In order of hydro-electric power to be introduced I dam must be made on a river and the side the water is traveling from must be flooded and turned into a lake. This builds up the pressure and so makes the turbines in the damn turn faster. The problem of this is that a very large area of land must be flooded. Most major cities are built very close to water because when the people first built the foundations of a village it would have been near a fresh flowing water supply, a river. If the surroundings of the river got flooded it would be most likely that the city will be in the area that would be flooded. Because of the fresh water lots of trees and vegetation would be growing next to it, these would have to be burned before the land was flooded because they would poison the water. This would also destroy the wild life around the area. Acid rain has proven itself to be one of the biggest global problems. Countries that produce it cannot afford to clean it because they cant afford it. The countries that receive the effects of the acid rain shouldnt have to clean it up because they did not cause the problem. Acid rain is a global problem due to the fact that it affects many different people in different ways makes it a more complex problem. It affects things such as buildings. The acid will get onto the buildings and slowly weaken/corrode the material it is made out of, bricks etc. Older buildings such as cathedrals are being damaged by the acid because they are made out of limestone and acid dissolves the limestone. Lakes in areas that are effected by the acid rain will become more acidic then usual. This would then kill of all life in the lake because the fish and plants cannot cope with the acidity. The problem of acid rain should be acted upon quickly as more and more places of interest and tourist attractions are being ruined by the acid rain. Also lakes are being purged of all living things. Solutions to the acid rain problem There are many ways in which acid rain can be reduced or stopped altogether. The first thing that needs to be done is to make sure that all countries recognize and understand the problem of acid rain, whether it affects their country or not. The United Kingdom may not recognize that acid rain is as big a problem then people say it is because the United Kingdom doesnt receive many of the effects of acid rain. There are no straight forward ways of dealing with acid rain; each thing that can help has its draw backs. One way of solving the problem is to not use energy sources that create sulphur dioxides or nitrogen oxides. Countries that do not burn a lot of fossil fuels such as Norway wouldnt have a problem with this because they can easily revert to renewable energy. Countries such as North American would have the biggest problems. They burn up a lot of fossil fuels for their energy. If they were to stop using fossil fuels all of a sudden they would face economical disaster. They woul dnt have enough energy to power the country. Renewable energy doesnt offer as much as energy as fossil fuels. Another good idea is to place filters on the outgoing waste gasses in factories. This would clean a great deal of the waste gases out but will never make it 100% environmentally friendly. A big drawback of this is the fact that people would have to clean them or buy new filters. This would in turn cost a lot of money. Another solution for cleaning up acid rain is to spread limestone over the affected area that has been acidified. The limestone is an alkali and the sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxides are acids. When acids and alkalis react together they counteract each other. Basically the acidity is neutralised by the limestone. This process would take along time so the limestone would be chemically altered by adding heat and then water; this would then turn it into slaked lime and is a much stronger alkali. This would cost a lot of money to do though and it would be difficult to establish how much lime would be needed because if they put too much lime the soil/lake would become alkali. Many countries are trying to work together to find a solution that in a way is beneficial to everyone. This can be very difficult because to clear up any problems a country would need to generate money for it. If the prime minister or president suggested an economical tax he would most probably be de-elected because this would mean the taxes would go up and its not in the publics interest to pay more money to clean up other peoples countries. All countries should decide on a maximum amount of emissions they can produce in each month, if all countries followed this then it would in turn reduce global emissions slightly. If countries were to negotiate terms of what they should do all opinions will be biased towards their own country. They would be biased because they want a decision to be made that is in favor of their own country and so they have to pay the minimum amount they can get away with. My opinion on acid rain is that lots of filters should be attached to the outputs of waste gases. This would lower the amount of acidic emissions produced. Also on top of that the country that wants to clean up its environment should do it itself. They should raise money by hosting events and through some taxes, this way people would approve more because the money will be going to their own country. Also by cleaning up their own environment they can have something done about it in the not so distant future instead of waiting for politicians to make decisions which can take years. Also if more countries switched to renewable sources and dedicated a lot of money and land for this to take place it would reduce a lot of emissions. In the future humans at the global scale will have to convert to renewable energy sources, it is unavoidable. Soon (approx 300 years) the worlds fossil fuels will run out and humans will relay solely upon these renewable energy sources to feed the ever increasing demand for energy. As time passes the technology of humans advances and soon a new renewable power source will be the main source of our energy. The renewable energy sources we have at the moment normally have a high initial cost of energy which takes a long time to break even with the amount of money that it needed to set up and the amount of money/electricity it has produced. In time the amount of sulphur dioxides and nitrogen oxides in the atmosphere will fall, hopefully they will fall before too much of the earth has been damaged, such as the polar ice caps melting as a result of global warming.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

How to Pronounce Consonants in Italian

How to Pronounce Consonants in Italian Here are some basic pronunciation rules, tips, and practice words for Italian consonants. All whose pronunciation is similar to, yet distinct from that of the single consonant. This could result in confusion like saying â€Å"andremo - we will go† instead of â€Å"andremmo - we would go.†Italian is a phonetic language, which means that it’s spoken the way it’s written. B, F, M, N, V The consonants not listed below (b, f, m, n, v) are pronounced as in English. The approximate English equivalents are as follows: c before a, o, and u is like the English k. casa - housefico - figcon - withColosseo - Colosseumcane - dogcaffà ¨ - coffee c before -e or -i is like the English sound ch in chest. cena - dinnervoce - voicecibo - foodconcerto - concertcipolla - onionfacile - easy ch (found only before -e or -i) is like the English k. che - thatchimica - chemistryperchà © - becausechilo - kilochi - whochiuso - closedanche - also D d is somewhat more explosive than in English, with the tongue near the tip of the upper teeth but with no aspiration. di - ofdata - datedove - wheredue - twododici - twelvedonna - womanlunedà ¬ - Mondaymoda - fashionundici - eleven G g before a, o, and u is as in the English word go. albergo - hotelgamba - leggusto - tastegonna - skirtgomma - eraserlungo - longguanti - glovesguidare - to drivelingua - tongue g before -e or -i is like the g in gem. gelato - ice creamangelo - angelpagina - pagegente - peoplegentile - kindgennaio - January GH gh (found only before -e or -i) is like the g in go. laghi - lakesmaghi - magicians GLI gli is approximately like ll in million. meglio - betterfigli - sonsfamiglia - familyaglio - garlicfogli - sheets (of paper)bottiglia - bottle GN gn is approximately like ny in canyon. signora - ladysignore - gentlemanbagno - bathsogno - dreamlasagne - lasagnaspugna - sponge H h is silent ho - I haveha - hasahi! - ouch!hanno - they have I l is as in English, but sharper and more forward in the mouth. olio - oillingua - languagesale - saltmelone - melonluna - moonscuola - school P p is as in English but without the aspiration that sometimes accompanies this sound in English. pane - breadpatata - potatopepe - pepperpap - dadponte - bridgepasto - mealpronuncia - pronunciationpsicologo - psychologist QU qu is always pronounced like the English qu in quest. questo - thisquinto - fifthquale - whichquanto - how muchquadro - picturequalit - quality R r is different from the English r; it is pronounced with one flip of the tongue against the gums of the upper teeth. This is the trilled r. ora - nowalbergo - hotelbaritono - baritonearte - artorologio - watchporta - door S s is sometimes like the English s in house. soggiorno - living roomtesta - headstanza - roomfesta - party; holidayposta - mail s is sometimes (but always before b, d, g, l, m, n, r, and v) like the English s in rose. rosa - rosetesoro - treasurefrase - phrasesbaglio - mistakeesercizio - exercisemusica - music SC sc before a, o, or u is like sk in ask. ascoltare - to listenscuola - schoolpesca - peachtasca - pockettoscano - Tuscanscarpa - shoescultura - sculpture sc before -e or -i is like the English sound sh in fish. sci - skipesce - fishconoscere - to knowscena - scenescendere - to descenduscita - exit SCH sch occurs only before -e or -i, and is pronounced like the English sk. pesche - peachestasche - pocketsscheletro - skeletonlische - fishbones T t is approximately the same as in English but no escaping of breath accompanies it in Italian. contento - gladcarta - paperarte   artmatita - pencilturista - touristantipasto - appetizertelefono - telephonetesta - head Z z is sometimes voiceless, like ts is bets. negozio - storemarzo - Marchgrazie - thank youdizionario - dictionary z is sometimes voiced, like ds in beds. zero - zeropranzo - lunchromanzo - novelzanzara - mosquito Note: When ci, gi, and sci are followed by -a, -o, or -u, unless the accent falls on the -i, the -i is not pronounced. The letter -i merely indicates that c, g, and sc are pronounced, respectively, like the English ch, g (as in gem), and sh. arancia - orangegiornale - newspaperciliegia - cherrysalsiccia - sausagecamicia - shirtscienza - science

Thursday, November 21, 2019

139 DB wk8 ED Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

139 DB wk8 ED - Essay Example Moreover, the duties of the financial manager include preparation of financial statements, overseeing financial services, monitoring cash flows, predicting future trends in business, monitoring the financial system and offering advisory services to the top management on the best strategies of improving financial performance to ensure the growth and success of the organization. These differ from the accountants whose role is to collect financial records, prepare tax returns along side other financial records, monitor and ensure they are up to date and in a compliance to the company policies and legal standards. Nevertheless, while discharging their duties, accountants and financial manager should comply with the codes of ethics governing the preparation of financial records. As the law demands, everything should be done in a transparent manner without defrauding the organization and its stakeholders. In my opinion, people became conscious about transparency after the mega infamous accounting scandal at Enron Inc was unmasked in 2001. It was not until the senior management, accountants and auditors were jailed for engaging in fraudulent accounting activities when accountants started becoming

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

'The Future Of Feminism' Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

'The Future Of Feminism' - Essay Example Review Of 'The Future Of Feminism' The reason that this student fully integrates with the information that Kerbera and DeHart presented is due to the fact that the historical record proves that the level of development and individual freedoms that women were able to enjoy immediately after winning the right to vote, as well as several decades into the future, was not nearly to the range or depth that the original movement had hoped for or anticipated. One of the largest causal factors with relation to this was the fact that the women who were tasked with carrying forward this early gender revolution were necessarily constrained by the mores and norms of the time. Rather than being able to definitively demonstrate a level of freedom and choice, these women were oftentimes unwilling or unready to continue the struggle against the high level of patriarchal society that existed within that time. Moreover, with regards to the idea that many women believed that they were in position to choose freely, the reality of the situ ation was that many of the freedoms that this generation of women believed they could engage with were newly one is still seemingly unbelievable. Accordingly, the desire and need to continue to press the revolution forward and demand equal and greater rights was constrained by a level of satisfaction with regards the sacrifices and victories of the past.In such a way, the statement that Douglass and McCarthy make significantly reinforces the traditional understanding of how gender roles were understood by both groups involved in this process of change, consideration, and resistance to revolution. PART II # 3 One of the most interesting dynamics with regards to the way in which feminism has been understood is with respect to the way in which the woman’s role within the workforce has continually morphed and re-evolved as extant needs within the workforce have been noted. The generation of the flappers saw a situation in which women have the right to vote; however, they were not typically expected nor particularly well represented within the workforce of the time. However, even the very small inclusion of women within the workforce of the 1920s saw a dramatic increase with regards to the workforce of the Depression years. Due to the fact that the Great Depression necessarily constrained the entire economy, it forced every able-bodied individual to do their very best as a means of providing for themselves and their families. Such a reality encourage women to enter into the workforce as a means of providing for themselves and lessening the economic hardships that were very much a reality of that time. However, once the depression years and more or less drawn to a close, women were once again pushed out of labor and encouraged to behave in the way that â€Å"proper women† should behave; tending families and focusing upon child rearing as the main goal and reality of their lives. However, before this particular approach could set in, World War II was so on a reality. As a function of this, all unavailable labor was encouraged into the factories and production plants around the nation. This, perhaps more than any other factor, was one of the defining moments in which women were able to finally break free of many of the gender norms of the era. Due to the fact that the war years lasted for over half a decade, the stereotypes and mores of the era were fundamentally changed and rewritten. Yet, once again, after was complete, and the men had returned home from war, women were expected back into the home and to seek raising families as the ultimate object of their desire. Once again, the â€Å"pawns† of the economy were highlighted. In this way, the need of the current era was the ultimate driving force with regards to how women were viewed in what was considered proper at any given time. PART III #6

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Constitutionality of Stop and Frisk Essay Example for Free

Constitutionality of Stop and Frisk Essay The Fourth Amendment of the United States Constitution guards against unreasonable searches and seizures. It also states that no warrants shall be issued without a probable cause. Modern jurisprudence has afforded police officers an incentive to respect the amendment. The Stop and Frisk law allows police officers to stop someone and do a quick search of their outer clothes for weapons if the officer has a reasonable suspicion that a crime has or is about to take place and the person stopped is armed or dangerous. The reasonable suspicion must be based with specific articulable facts and not on just an officer’s hunch. The Stop and Frisk law balances crime control, protects an individual’s right, and prevents unreasonable searches. The Fourth Amendment states, â€Å"The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be seized (Lehman 471-476). This amendment can be broken into 2 distinct parts the reasonableness clause and the warrant clause. In the beginning, the U. S. Supreme Court adopted the conventional Fourth Amendment approach, which says the warrant and reasonableness clauses are firmly connected. The reasonableness clause protects the people’s right against unreasonable searches and seizures. The reasonable clause has to pass the reasonableness test, which consists of two elements that the government has to prove; balancing element and objective basis. The balancing element is the need to search and/or seize outweighs the invasion of liberty and privacy rights of the individuals. The objective basis is when there are enough facts to back up the search and/or seizure. The warrant clauses states that only warrants and probable cause are reasonable. It was not until the 1960’s when the Supreme Court shifted from the conventional approach to the reasonableness Fourth Amendment approach. It states that the 2 clauses are separate, and address separate problems. The warrant clause tells us what the Fourth Amendment requires only when law nforcement officers want to obtain warrants. Since a small percentage of searches and seizures are made with warrants and many searches and seizures don’t require probable cause either, the warrant clause isn’t very important. Today’s stop and frisk law grow out of the practical problems police officers face in preventing and investigating crime on the streets and other public places in our largest cities. In investigations, officers are usually dealing with people they don’t know or probably won’t ever see again. Usually these stranger’s suspicious behavior doesn’t add up to the probable cause needed to arrest them. An example would be that officers don’t have enough facts and circumstances viewed through their professional experience and training to arrest two men, who peer into a store window, look around to see if anyone’s watching them and pace up and down repeating the pattern for 10 minutes. What should the officers do at this point? Keep watching? Do nothing about the situation? Detain the men and pat the down for weapons? Take them to the police station? These issues were raised in the famous Terry v. Ohio, 392 U. S. 1 (1968) case. Terry v. Ohio, 392 U. S. 1 (1968), was a decision by the United States Supreme Court which ruled that the Fourth Amendment prohibition on unreasonable searches and seizures on unreasonable searches and seizures was not violated when a police officer stopped a suspect on the street and search him without probable cause. On October 31, 1963, a Cleveland police detective named Martin McFadden saw two men, John W.  Terry and Richard Chilton, standing on a street corner looking suspicious. One would walk by a certain store window, stare in, and walk back to the other to confer. This was repeated several times, and the detective believed that they were plotting to do a store robbery. The officer approached the men and addressed himself as a policeman, and asked their names. When the men appeared suspicious in their answers, Officer McFadden patted them down and discovered that both men were armed. He proceeded to remove their guns and arrested them for carrying concealed weapons. Terry was sentenced to three years in prison. Terry appealed the case, claiming that the guns found should be inadmissible as evidence since his Fourth Amendment rights were violated. The case was appealed to the Supreme Court, where it was it was ruled that his rights had not been violated. In an 8-to-1 decision, the Court held that the search undertaken by the officer was reasonable under the Fourth Amendment and that the weapons seized could be introduced into evidence against Terry. The Court found that the officer acted on more than a â€Å"hunch† and that â€Å"a reasonably prudent man would have been warranted in believing Terry was armed and thus presented a threat to the officer’s safety while he was investigating his suspicious behavior. † The Court found that the searches undertaken were limited in scope and designed to protect the officer’s safety incident to the investigation. In reference to the Fourth Amendment searches and seizures, officers need to prove fewer suspicions facts and circumstances to back up stops and frisks than they do arrests and full-blown searches. Stops and frisks represents the beginning of a chronological path through the criminal process from more frequent and more visible searches and seizures in public to more intrusive searches and seizures out of sight in police stations. Stop and frisks aren’t just fine points for constitutional lawyers and courts to debate. They also reflect broad public policies aimed at balancing the values of crime control and individual liberty and privacy. Since stop and frisks take place in public, the display of police power is there for everybody to see. Because of this visibility, stops and frisks probably shape public opinion of police power more than the greater invasions of arrest and searches that we never see. Deciding which is more important in a constitutional democracy – crime control by means of less intrusive public stops and frisks affecting more people or often invisible arrests and searches affecting fewer people – is both a constitutional and public policy question. The key facts are: 1) Officers are going to stop many people who haven’t done anything wrong; and they’ll frisk lots of people who aren’t armed. 2) Most of the same people want police protection and (at least in high-crime neighborhoods) need it more than people who live in safe neighborhoods. 3) Both lawbreakers and law abiders in high-street-crime neighborhoods from lasting opinions about the police from street encounters they’ve watched or experienced.

Friday, November 15, 2019

Coca Cola Essay -- essays research papers

Coca Cola was created by Pharmacist Dr. John Styth Pemberton. He developed the formula for the famous soft drink in his backyard on May 8, 1886. Dr. Pemberton’s bookkeeper, Frank Robinson, came up with the idea for the unique cursive logo that has been the trade mark ever since. On May 29, 1886 the very first ad appeared in the Atlanta Journal: Coca-Cola. Delicious! Refreshing! Exhilarating! Invigorating! The New and Popular Soda Fountain Drink, containing the properties of the wonderful Coca plant and the famous Cola nuts. For sale by Willis Venable and Nunnally & Rawson. Dr. Pemberton died shortly after this ad and sales plummeted. Robinson didn’t want the business to fail and decided advertising was at fault- â€Å"people did not know what they were missing.†   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  After the Coca Cola trademark had been patented, Asa G. Candler, an Atlanta businessman, purchased the rights to the product and formed the corporation, â€Å"The Coca-Cola Company.† He began the push on Coca-Cola advertising by giving thousands of tickets away for free glasses of Coca- Cola, and advertising on outdoor posters, calendars, soda fountain urns, and wall murals and making Coke available everywhere. The invention of bottling in 1894 increased availability of the soft drink.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The company hired William D’Arcy in 1906 to head up advertising and he believed that advertising should show that Coca-Cola is a part of happy times in everyday life. This type of advertising was used for decades. One of the first newspaper ads showed a picture of Ty Cobb, a baseball star up at bat and said: Something’s bound to happen—nerves a tingle—head whizzing. Crack!! Good boy Ty!! Safe!! And then you shout yourself hoarse. When it’s all over you’re hot, thirsty and limp. A cold, snappy drink of Coca-Cola will put you back in the game- relieve the thirst and cool you off. D’Arcy found this baseball ad to be a success because everyone loves baseball. He felt as though it affected the reader’s senses which made him or her feel thirsty for a Coca-Cola. Other ads that appealed to the consumer’s sense of pleasure in associations with Coke included an ideal American girl drinking Coke, business men drinking Coke aboard an American Pullman train car and young people enjoying Coke out on a boat ride. In 1929 Coca-Cola’s most famous slogan, â€Å"The Pause That Refreshes... ...ecial featuring Edgar Berger and Charlie McCarthy. Shortly after this came the sponsorship of Walt Disney’s TV premiere on Christmas Day of the same year. After fifty years D’Arcy closed its account with Coca-Cola and responsibilities for advertising was transferred to McCann-Erickson. They used everything that TV offered such as animation, stop motion and live action ads and coined the nationally known slogan â€Å"Things Go Better With Coke.† The first color ad was called the â€Å"Refrigerator-Man† and other famous TV ads were the â€Å"Hilltop† commercial, â€Å"Mean Joe Green†, and the â€Å"Northern Lights† which used the famous polar bear. In 2000 Coca-Cola launched an ambitious new international campaign using the slogan â€Å"Coca-Cola. Enjoy.†   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  After ninety nine years Coke had become such a part of American life, that when the company tried to introduce â€Å"new Coke† the public protested so strongly that the company had to bring back the original renamed â€Å"Coca-Cola classic.† Coca-Cola and its â€Å"Red, White and You† theme and its pleasant associations with people’s everyday happy family life made it a classic symbol of America. â€Å"Unmistakably Coca-Cola. Unmistakably American.†

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Andy Stern’s A Country That Works Essay

The president of the largest, Andy Stern, fast-growing and dynamic union in North America named SEIU or Service Employees International Union has just recently launched his new book and even conducted a nationwide tour just to promote it. The SEIU president’s new book which is entitled â€Å"Getting America Back on Track: A Country that Works passes judgment on the union of laborers or workers which are present or established nowadays because they have not adjusted or conformed to the current political landscape. Furthermore, he disapproves on the labor unions failure to bring the workers together and unite them on a common goal. Andy Stern in his books lays out a plan that he believed would refurbish or repair the current tax system. Furthermore, the plans that he proposed aimed the transformation of the health care system and fix the retirement system. His new book also includes certain strategies or arrangements to improve the current existing education. Andy Stern’s book is basically concern with the decline of the United States trade union movement. Andy Stern is aware that economy is changing and that there is a great mass of working class that requires equality. The economy is changing by shifting the power more towards those in the authorities and less to the working class. Furthermore, there is a decline or decrease in the rate of private sector unionization and reached the lowest level even before the year 1900. In addition to this, as economy changes and the power shifts to an inequality, the role of the labor in the economy is also changing. As the occurrence of mass protests, especially those that come from the immigrant workers in the United States, and the worker or labor strikes and protests conducted in France continues to increase, the losses which the companies or corporations incur also increases. As the labor tends to slow down, the process and company’s working time decreases and productivity is affected. Andy Stern’s new book is actually not directly aimed at the workers. Furthermore, it does not also include the advancement of any serious strategy in combating the present or occurring corporate assaults on the jobs of individuals and most especially to the living standards. On the other hand, the book is able to inform or give a certain warning to the administrators in the corporate world and the ruling elite. It warns them that if the unions who have worked hard and served the corporate world, more especially in America for already a long period of time, is allowed to collapse, there would be serious and dangerous social upheavals. Furthermore, it gives a forewarning that these social upheavals, if it goes outside the control of those in power or of the labor bureaucracy, would greatly increase. The labors which are organized should be in an innovative position as to create new leadership and perspectives. In the old days, manifestations from the labor unions are mainly expressed through strikes and workers tend to stop from working. This is not a good habit for it does not only incur losses to the corporations but also to the workers as well. Being laid-off from work could also be a problem in the old ways, especially if a union continues to ask its members to do strikes or constant protests. The new organized labor should innovate or reinvent itself to create more ideas in creating solutions to the root of the problem. There would be no serious struggle against the present social inequality if the organized labor’s old ways continue to be of practice. It is therefore necessary or required that the labor union would create or establish an independent political and socialists movement that is composed mainly, if not solely, of the working class. On a different perspective, it can be noted that it is impossible not to understand and be familiar with the effect no matter the degree or even if it was immense, of the increasing productions made by the transnational corporations. It is also impossible to recognize what globalized productions could do with regards to the old labor organizations. On the other hand, acknowledging this fact and be able to create ways of moving forward through a progressive answer are poles apart. According to Andy Stern, the country or the United States labor bureaucracy could outsource the strikes conducted by the labor unions or workers. He stated that the country could give the workers who are in strike a certain â€Å"pay strike† especially in low wage countries. Furthermore, he believed that this could be an alternative in calling out its own members on strike, would eventually reduce the number of strikes conducted by the labor unions. If the workers or labor unions are ready in conducting strikes in the United States and the companies or corporations would also be ready in paying them to strike, then there would be an increase in the losses incurred. It would be very much costly as to when a pay was not given to those who would go on strikes. But, paying the laborers in India, Indonesia or other places to conduct strikes and protests against the same global employer would incur less loss and is basically not that expensive. These assumptions are however blunt and has a mark of certain arrogance to it. It should be noted that an international working class movement should have its grounds on a plan or an agenda that ensures mutual solidarity in achieving liberation for all. It is not good to use workers from other countries to serve as pawns in achieving a narrow and constricted national interest. The final chapter of Andy Stern’s book includes his proposals for the reordering of the society. From his proposals, it could be analyzed that here is none that goes beyond the milk toast reforms which are pressed forward by the sections in the Democratic Party. In addition to this, it can also be noted that his proposals have no chance of being adopted or accepted because the big businesses or corporations do not want any infringement on its profits. These measures which Andy Stern stated were supported by another proposal that he made. He proposed to the capitalists and even to their political representatives that these are under their best interest. Though on the other hand, it may somehow state a conscious duplicity or self-deception and cynicism vaguely. In some cases, cynicism somehow dominates. Andy Stern has some dulled statements which support these points of view and somehow admit that the labor bureaucracy’s alliance together with the Democratic party is worthless or hollow. The statement is somehow correct, in the point of view of an individual who understands through politics or capitalist politics. But in the point of view of a political struggle in general, that statement is basically incorrect. Andy Stern, in some parts of his book, is able to write or create reactionary conclusions which are basically based from the right or proper observations. He puts forward or suggests addressing the incapability, generally the failure, of the labor unions’ alliance with the Democratic Party. On a different point of view, it can be said that this only puts the labor unions in forming closer ties with the Republicans. Generally, Andy Stern’s book, from one chapter or part to the other, is really thought-provoking as to what methods or proposals should be really followed.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Microeconomics and Macroeconomics Essay

Microeconomics is a branch of economics which deals with the study of resource allocation decisions within the confines of the sub-segments of an economy such as households and business firms (Arnold, 2010). Central to this study is an examination of how prices of goods and services in a market influence their demand and supply. Macroeconomics on the other hand deals with the study of the nature of the economy as a whole; national, regional or a global economy (Agarwal, 2007). It deals with such issues such as GDP (Gross Domestic Product) and the influences of a larger economy such as employment and inflation. The main difference is thus the scope of study since it can be argued that microeconomics is a subset of macroeconomics. Another difference is that microeconomics focuses on consumers and businesses while macroeconomics deals with industries and nations (Arnold, 2007). Additionally, microeconomics deals with the forces of demand and supply in a market while macroeconomics studies the effect of such issues as interest rates, exchange rates and employment output on a national scale. Generally, microeconomic studies take a bottom-up approach while the macroeconomic studies take a top-down approach. An example of a microeconomic phenomenon would be on pricing policies. A company may want to know what price to charge for a product they are introducing to the market. This is a microeconomic decision since to answer such a question, knowledge of the nature of market and the economic forces prevailing in it is important. One would need to study in detail the demand and supply of the commodity, utility to the consumer, competition from other suppliers and other microeconomic factors before coming up with a pricing decision. The increase in oil prices in an economy is an example of a macroeconomic phenomenon. Such price changes may be influenced by various factors which can only be explained at a macroeconomic level. The reasons could be inflation in an economy, war or political instability in a particular region of the world. A microeconomic decision made at home would be a changeover to taking tea as opposed to coffee. This is informed by an increase in the prices of coffee with no change in the level of income. The factors influencing this decision are thus the price, cost, the income level and the availability of a substitute which is tea. This therefore leads to a consumer being cushioned against price increases which would otherwise affect his economic welfare. Macroeconomic factors prevailing upon an economy affect the operations of the sub-segments of the economy. This in turn would have an effect on the economic decisions made by consumers. The macroeconomic phenomenon of increase in oil prices in the world market coupled with inflation influenced a personal decision to buy a smaller car which is fuel economical as opposed to larger cylinder capacity vehicles which consume more fuel. Such larger capacity cars are a symbol of status but are fairly expensive to maintain in light of higher oil prices. This therefore has to be foregone in light of a benefit of reduction in cost. This has led to more savings by reducing on the budget on transportation. In summary, it can be said that microeconomics and macroeconomics are two major and indeed very important fields of study in economics. They are different but interrelated and interdependent since they have certain common objects of study. Both microeconomic and macroeconomic factors are key in decision making and thus the study of both is invaluable to understanding the operations of the economy. They provide necessary tools to the understanding the generation of revenue in the business operations of firms; and the economy as a whole. References Agarwal, V. (2007). Macroeconomics. New Delhi: McDraw-Hill. Arnold, R. (2010). Microeconomics. Mason, OH: Cengage Learning. Melvin, M., & Boyes, W. (2008). Microeconomics. Mason, OH: Cengage Learning. Â  

Friday, November 8, 2019

Dissolving Rate of Different Aspirin Tablets in Water Essays

Dissolving Rate of Different Aspirin Tablets in Water Essays Dissolving Rate of Different Aspirin Tablets in Water Paper Dissolving Rate of Different Aspirin Tablets in Water Paper Practical Experiment Report 11-11-2013 Introduction This experiment was designed to investigate and compare the rates at which different aspirin tablets dissolve in both Water (H20 [representing saliva]) and Hydrochloric Acid (HCI [representing the stomachs acid]). The amount of Water and Hydrochloric Acid will be kept constant between tablets, and tests. Aim To investigate and compare the rates at which different Aspirin Tablets dissolve. The different kinds of Aspirin tablets are: Enteric Coated Tablets Capsules Regular Tablets Dissolving Tablets. Each tablet will be dissolves in both Water and Hydrochloric Acid (representing saliva and stomach acid respectively). Hypothesis The Enteric Coated tablet will remain undissolved in both water and Hydrochloric Acid as the coating is designed to remain undissolved until reaching the small intestine. The dissolving tablet will dissolve the fastest in both water and Hydrochloric Acid as this tablet is designed to quickly dissolve in liquid. The capsule will soften but not completely dissolve in the water, however will dissolve in the Hydrochloric Acid. The Tablet will slowly dissolve in water, however more rapidly in Hydrochloric Acid however loosely comparable to the dissolving tablet. Equipment Water 2M Hydrochloric Acid Test Tubes or Beakers Stopwatch 2 x Aspirin Enteric Coated Tablets 2 x Aspirin Capsule 2 x Regular Aspirin Tablets 2 x Dissolving Aspirin Tablets Safety Glasse (Recommended) Gloves for handling Hydrochloric Acid Safety Precautions 2M Hydrochloric Acid will burn both skin and clothing Always wear eye protection while handling Hydrochloric Acid Avoid contact with Hydrochloric Acid. If in contact with skin, rinse off with copious amounts water (Recommended) Wear Gloves while handling Hydrochloric Acid 1. Collect equipment mL of Water and Hydrochloric Acid into separate beakers or test tubes 3. 2. pour Add a single type of tablet to each beaker or test tube and start stopwatch 4. Record changes in liquid throughout the dissolving process (opacity, colour, bubbles or fizzing) and record total time taken to dissolve tablet 5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 for each kind of tablet. Results Tablet Changes Observed Time Taken to Dissolve (seconds) Hydrochloric Acid Enteric Coated Tablet Regular Tablet Dissolving Tablet Capsule Discussion Discussion of the results How this experiment could be made to relate more to the human body

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Mankind vs. Humankind

Mankind vs. Humankind Mankind vs. Humankind Mankind vs. Humankind By Mark Nichol The issue of gender-neutral language reemerged recently in the form of a publicized incident involving a college student who was (mildly) penalized for the use of the term mankind in a paper she wrote for a class. Why was the score on her assignment lowered by one point out of fifty? The course’s professor had explicitly admonished students to use gender-neutral language such as humankind in place of the gender-specific mankind in their papers. The student (a woman), to test the instructor’s conviction about the point, deliberately used mankind in the assignment and discovered that the professor was serious. So, what’s the big deal? Mankind has been used to refer collectively to humans since the Middle Ages. (Humankind, by the way, is younger but also dates back hundreds of years.) Why is the term widely considered sexist and exclusive? For the same reason that writers are encouraged to refer to police officers, not policemen, and chairs, not chairmen, and servers, not waiters or waitresses (though chairperson is considered cumbersome, and it is inoffensive to use waiters for either gender, thanks to the fact that waiter, though originally a designation for what was at the time of its coinage an exclusively male occupation, is not masculine in form). Many people, including numerous women, decry this supposedly politically correct linguistic reformation, which is based on the belief that terms that encourage one to engage with a concept with the assumption that it pertains primarily to males perpetuates a perception that women are second-class citizens. The backlash is not without merit, as proposed gender-neutral language can be absurd (as with waitperson or waitron, gender-neutral substitutions for waiter or waitress, or in regard to gender-neutral pronouns that, absurdly, have been coined in an attempt to replace the gender-specific pronoun he, when effective solutions already exist). But extending mankind with two letters, or even replacing the collective man with humanity, seems a reasonable accommodation to bend language to reflect an effort to achieve gender equality. Many authorities agree. Bryan A. Garner, in Garner’s Modern American Usage, recommends humankind- and on a related topic writes, â€Å"The writer’s point of view matters less than the reader’s† (with the implication that, in addition, the writer should not presuppose the reader’s preference, but should as a default use inclusive language). The Modern Language Association supports gender-neutral language, and The Chicago Manual of Style advises it, too. Three of the pillars of society- education, politics, and business- champion gender-neutral language, with justifications that are distinct yet universally applicable: In education, inclusiveness encourages a perception of the human race that doesn’t conjure an image of a man or men by default; in politics, it discourages discrimination in laws and policy; and in business, it welcomes all potential customers and clients. Gender-neutral language also accommodates those who reject a binary gender system, and regardless of one’s ideology about gender identity, gender fluidity is a scientifically validated concept. This issue is ultimately one of style, and, as always in regard to style, if one self-publishes, one does so with the freedom to choose how one conducts oneself in writing, with the attendant consequences of assuming that responsibility. But writers who elect to submit content to publishing companies or to contribute to an employer’s or client’s publications must accept that most publishers will heed Garner’s admonition stated above. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Spelling category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:What is the Difference Between "These" and "Those"?Precedent vs. PrecedenceDrama vs. Melodrama

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Fieldwork observation report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Fieldwork observation report - Essay Example With due consideration to these factors, an observation was conducted in a classroom setting aimed at learning the behavior of the students in response to the teaching method applied to instruct them. The observation was also aimed at obtaining substantial understanding of the cognitive and the intellectual behavior of the children in classroom settings. In this study, five students were observed, from different school grades and origins, including Hispanic, African American, Jewish and Caucasian. The research work was conducted on students who were in grade 4, 5 and 6. The students who were observed in a New York based school, i.e. ‘Vincent Smith School’, located in Long Island. It is a private school, which is well-known to allow students from different cultures, and was deemed as appropriate to obtain proper understanding and analysis of the subject matter, concentrating on the impact on teaching method on the development of the child as per their age and cultural background. The behavior of every student was observed as different based upon their culture, behavior and attitude. The observation therefore aimed to evaluate the students belonging from different cultures for a better understanding. In the school setting, it was observed that the classrooms were an enclosed 4 wall rooms, with a blackboard in the centre of the class. The windows and the artifacts in the classroom setting were made by the students in their respective classrooms. The walls of the classes were filled with various charts and artifacts showcasing the self portraits of students and with the stud strategies. To get a better overview of the classroom setting, the desks of the students were in the middle of the classroom. However, the desk for the teacher was sent in front of the students and near to the blackboard. In subsequence, the analysis of the setting was conducted based on the cognitive thinking, intelligence and behavior of the

Friday, November 1, 2019

How are the banks affecting the US economy thanks to the TARP and Essay

How are the banks affecting the US economy thanks to the TARP and other bailouts from the US government - Essay Example This research report looks into the bank effects on the United States Economy, after the bailout plan, and how the banks have coped with the plan in their economic functions which according to Fusan, R., (2008, pg 1095), include netting and settlement of payments, through collection and paying agents for customers, clearing and settlements of payments which enables them to economize on reserves held for such settlements of payments, since inward and outward payments offset each other. They also play a vital economic role in credit intermediation, through borrowing and lending back-to-back on their own account as middlemen. Therefore, with the economy maimed to the point where the bank roles were threatened, the Government through its responsibility as the economic overseer intervened to allow them to borrow more on demand debt as well as short-term debt and to provide more long term loans. The borrowed money would mainly maintain cash reserves, invest in marketable securities that can be readily converted into cash if needed and raising replacement funding as required from various sources such as whole sale cash markets and securities market (Fusan, R., 2008, pg 1102) According to Alfred and Yalata, (2009, pg 300), the banks that agreed to receive preferred stock investments from the US Treasury included Goldman Sachs Group Inc, J.P. Morgan Chase & Co., Morgan Stanley, Bank of America Corp., Citigroup Inc., Bank of New York Mello